Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Fuel!!

Friday Fuel...because there are a LOT of "healthy snacks" out there, meal replacement bars, powders, shakes.  Some of them taste like things I don't feel would be fit to serve in prison.  Because of all that, I've decided to review one "fuel" item a week, on Fridays.  When I decided to try and limit my fast food intake and give up my afternoon candy habit I had to come up with something else to get me through the day when I'm running home from work and straight to wherever else I need to be.  

I looked around a lot, asked for advice from friends but let me tell you something, some people have terrible taste.  I know we all like different things but some of the protein shakes people suggested, I mean, jeeze man?  I thought we were friends.  Don't tell me to buy this super healthy "chocolate covered surprise" bar and have it taste like something I scraped off my shoe!  Serious misuse of the word chocolate right there.  

But anyway...sometimes I need a quick snack, sometimes I'm starving.  I need something to keep me from hitting the drive-thru.  I almost always have something stashed in my bag.  I'll start with some of my favorites and some new ones I'm trying.  

What's your favorite on the go snack/meal replacement?  If you have a recommendation or something you'd like me to try and review here, put it in the comments and I'll see if I can track it down!  I'm happy to be a guinea pig and I promise, if it tastes like dirt, I'm going to tell you!

Go Macro Macrobar - Protein Paradise - Cashew Caramel

This one was a quick grab at the grocery store. I
liked that it has high protein and there's some fat in there too.  It's got substance. I had it for lunch one day last week and it didn't desert in the late afternoon. It was definitely chewy, I liked the texture even though it doesn't look all that appealing. Taste, it was a little bland I was hoping for a little more cashew flavor. The caramel was lost to me completely. It wasn't horrible by far, but you could definitely detect that sort of vitamin-y, protein powder aftertaste. I'd definitely pair it with a lot of water. All in all, if I needed the protein, especially after a workout, I'd get this again.

We'll call it a 6/10!

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