Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Adventures in Scouting: A New Year!

 One of my favorite things about being a Daisy Girl Scout leader is the crafts.  My group loves to do crafts and I try to come up with something every week.  It's difficult sometimes, they have to be kind of simple.  We've got little kids with little hands and they're still gaining coordination skills.  They also get very excited and they ain't got time for long instructions.  I generally like to go with inexpensive, too.  These "Get to Know You" necklaces are just a cheap tub of pony beads (we sorted ahead) and any cord/string you can scare up.  The kids had lots of fun stringing beads and sharing their life facts with their friends.  Each color stands for something: 

Green=Years in Scouts
Purple=First Grade  

Another thing I like, especially at the beginning of the year, is having a craft that can easily be adjusted for the number of kids you have attending.  These ghosts are made with the super cheap paper plates.  I think there was 50 in the pack for $2.  A sheet of black construction paper, I traced the eyes and mouth on and cut into strips for each girl.  For the hands I made a template and let the girls trace them on to drawing paper and cut them out.  The streamers are just white crepe paper.  The extra crepe paper will be used to decorate for our Halloween Party in a few weeks and the plates will come in handy for snack. In a world of so many Pintrest fails these projects are foolproof, not messy and super easy for the kids and for you!  Over the next weeks and months I'll be posting lots more ideas, try them with your kids and let me know how they turn out!

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