Monday, October 17, 2016

Oh Sh*t...AKA...You Need How Many Swaps For Tomorrow??


So, this is what happens...when you see a Facebook post clarifying that those "Swaps" your youngest was talking about after her last Scout meeting were actually for her meeting on Monday.  And it's Sunday afternoon.  And there's zero craft supplies in your small, rural Pennsylvania town.  Walmart is a good hour away.  And I don't have time to fashion little tiny birthday cakes out of twigs and yarn. 

First I said some very un-Girl Scout-y words and then hollered for my mom.  Did I mention I was in the middle of prepping for my own Daisy meeting?  Finding 25 safety pins was my first crisis but thank God for my mom.  After we scrounged around for a few minutes she remembered that she might have pack in her sewing box.  Problem 1 solved.  Then I went to the computer and busted out Excel.  A little clip art and fancy font work and voilĂ , tiny Juliette "Daisy" Low Birthday Card Swaps.  Mom and A worked on cutting them out and putting them together while I finished sorting last spring's cookie sale incentives. 

I don't know what people did before the internet.  But in the end, A will be getting her Girl Scout Way badge and no one needs to know that we slapped these together at the very last minute.  Thank You, Technology!